The lonely man

Sitting in the dark, with this dim light of moonlight, his eyes are only seeing the smoke he is puffing out of his mouth. The only thing coming to his mind is the image of that girl lost in his memories, her face so serene and calm, her eyes wet with tears, but with a smile drawn on her lips.
He could only hear her husky voice whispering the I love you with some magic, he could hear her clearly as if she was just next to him… oh how he wishes if she was right here next to him…
And for some moments, he let his imagination drift him away to a crossroad he once crossed, to the path he didn’t chose, to a life where they are together, sharing the same life, and in this particular moment the whole world doesn’t matter anymore, they are together and this is all that counts…
Closing his eyes, he let himself dream, and then he opens them to see the smoke coming out his cigarette in the dim moonlight.
With a smile full of sadness, he put his cigarette in the ashtray, let it be consumed slowly, and draggs himself to bed all alone wondering if his soul mate who is miles and miles away is even thinking about him and his loneliness.


My mate that night

Sitting here with you, at the bar, we are watching all those coming in and going out.
Sitting here with you, although I have no eyes but for you, I see people laughing, dancing, getting tipsy and drunk, doing all the crazy stuff.
Sitting here with you, fully yours and fully mine, I see couples flirting, kissing, expressing all the love and all what’s in their heart, loving each other.
Sitting here focusing on what you are trying to tell me, I hear their talks, their nonsense, their drunken conversations, I try to push away their laughter.
At the end of the night, I look deep in you, raise you up, empty you, look back at you, what once was my mate for that night, my own glass of wine and walk out of the bar…