
حبيبي، ستجدني.

في كل كلمات الحب التي تقال، في كل لحنٍ حنون يسمع، في كل أغاني العشاق، ستجدني.

في كل نسمةٍ تدغدغ وجهك، في كل زهرة ربيع تعطر أجواءك، في كل ورقة خريف تزين الطبيعة بهبوطها، ستجدني.

في شمس الصيف الحارقة، في غيمة تشرين الحزينة، في رداء الشتاء الأبيض، ستجدني.

في كل يومٍ يمر، في كل شهر يمضي، في إحتفالات نهاية كل سنة، ستجدني.

ستجدني في عقلك، في كيانك، في أفكارك، فأنا، تركت أثري في كل دقة من دقات قلبك.

سأبقى و ستجدني…



Dans le froid de Janvier

C’était une nuit éclairée

Par toutes les couleurs diffusées des Champs Elysées.

Dans un pub, deux inconnus se sont rencontrés

Profitant de la magie de la grande cité

Il était son printemps juste au milieu de Janvier

Elle était le sourire réchauffant que la vie lui accordait.

Mais le temps change, les amours se cassent et tout s’est éffondré.

C’est la vie qui joue des sals tours, elle les a séparés.

Tout court, ils se sont quittés

Pour laisser leurs coeurs à jamais dans le froid de Janvier…



A pain

Lately, there is this weird pain in my chest. A pain in my heart, a pain that consumes me.

Lately, people are saying that I became addicted to that pain. Addicted to a point that it’s driving my every move.

That pain in my heart makes me dream, makes me cry and makes me laugh.

Lately, I have a pain in my heart. A pain that makes me wake up in the middle of the night, makes me remember moments I want to forget.

Lately, I have a pain in my heart. A pain that is my drug, a pain that makes want more.

Lately, I have a pain in my heart that reminds me of you, of everything you were, of all that we were.

Lately, I have a pain in my heart, and I fell in love with it because, simply, you caused it…


What’s left

What is it? Why are you so sad?
Go to the places where we once were, sit on the benches where we used to sit. Remember our talks, remember our laughter and smile again.
You miss me?
Go to my favourite store, pick up my favourite perfume and smell it hard. Smell it so you can remember how I used to smell next to you.
You crave for my touch?
Lie on what once was our bed and hug my pillow. Close your eyes and recall me lying there smiling with my arms around you.
You feel nostalgic?
Go to my pictures, look at my face full of joy, look at my eyes filled with life, look at my laugh.

Look at me, try to smell me, try to hear my voice, try to feel my touch because all that’s left of me is a shadow in the setting sun. Soon the light will be gone and darkness will take over the shadows…
