
لو فيي إسرقك و أهرب على غير دنيي
لو فيي إحملك و طير، طير بعيد بهالسما النقية
لو فيي إحجب عنك كل هالأصوات اللي عم تقتل الحرية
لو فيي بس طولك عمرك بكل دمعة من دموع عينيي

حبيبي خلي عيونك بعيوني
حبيبي ما تغمضهن حتى لو لثواني
حبيبي قلي آخر كلماتك خبرني خبريي
ضحكلي ضحكة، تنهدلي تنهيدة إنت و بين إيديي

حبيبي قلبك قلو دقاتو و قربت الفلة
قربت تغمض هالعيون و تتركني لحالي
قربت هالرصاصة تخلص شغلها و تسرقلي حياتي
حبيبي ما تخاف، رح تصير بين الملايكي

بكرا كلن أسود رح يلبسو بس أنا فستاني أبيض حرير
و إنت متقم بعلبة بيضا ناطرني متل الأمير
و أصوات النحيب ترافق مشيتنا بعرسك الكبير
حبيبي كلا كانت رصاصة بس أخدتك مني بكير…


How far

I know myself…. I am the one who risks it all, goes “all in” in a game. I am the one who follows her heart, who closes her eyes and just takes the leap. I am the one who believes, who trusts her instincts, who tends to ignore facts just because I know what I want.

I am the one who would go around the globe for the search of a heartbeat, who would still fight in the name of Love and greater good. I am the one who would go as far as it’s needed just for you…

And you? Who are you?!

Are you the brave or the coward?

Are you the risk taker or the play it safe person?

Are you the one who would find it best to settle or the wanderer searching for what is worth it!?

Are you going to stay still and watch your days and memories pass by or are you going to go as far as the road takes you?!

And how far will you go?!




My last one

You! You were the companion on these lonely nights, you heard my pleas, you listened to my true words…
You! You were there for every drink, for every bit of fun, through the laughter and through the tears, you were with me.
But I remember a promise I made once, and I have to let you go…
So this is the last time we will be together, this is the last time that I will touch you.
So let me light that fire in you, put my lips on you, and have a full taste of you… and when our kiss ends, I let out the smoke, put you down in the ashtray to consume yourself and declare myself a non-smoker!


I miss her

How do I feel?
I miss her!
I miss her smile, I miss her laughter, I even miss seeing her cry!
I miss her voice waking me up in the morning, I miss her hello as much as I miss her goodbye.
I miss her there by my side, I miss how her words made me feel home even when we were apart.
I miss having her in my arms, having her head on my chest, I miss how she used to tilt her head so she can look at my face, I miss her dark eyes locked with mine.
I miss all the little things about her, the smell of her perfume, how she flips her head to the side and smile, how she used to make my heart skip a beat with the echo of her laughter.
How do I feel?! I just miss her!


Why him?

One look. Eyes locked together. You hear some pounding, you feel like someone is shaking you… it’s your heart sending you a message: “He is the one!”

But why!? You spent all this time meeting those new people, but your heart chose him, so why him?!

All the time you meet people, all different kind of people but with minimal common interests between you, so they become friends, acquaintances.

But just sometimes, you meet this one person with whom you have loads and loads of common things. And without knowing or even intend to, you find yourself attracted to them, bounded to them.

Why him? I really don’t know! The heart is a tricky choice maker but whether you listen to your heart or not makes all the difference, that’s how my heart chose him…

But is he worth it?!…..

Magical Eraser

I wish I have a magical eraser in my hand
So I could erase all the poems, all the words that made me so dammed.
I would erase all the smiles you drew on my face
I would erase all those kisses that came with every embrace.

If I have a magical eraser I would erase the city where we met
All those pictures together imprinted in my head.
I would erase every memory, every dream, every bet
I would erase all the little things that made me your Juliette.

But I love those smiles, kisses and memories we made
And the city and the little things, I don’t want them to fade…
But even if I do and erase it all like I want to…
Even with a magical eraser, I can’t erase you!



Happy Labour Day

Under the shining sun, he is there.
With every move, a drop of his own sweat traces the features of his face to leave that tanned chin and water the ground by his feet.
And he never stops, he breathes heavily but goes on until the day is over…
It’s when the sun is sinking behind the hills into the ocean that you see them all coming back with the burden of their day on their shoulders…
They are the farmer in the green fields, the labourer in some factory, the gardener taking care of the delicate plants, the bus boy in some restaurant… they are a big proportion of our society and today is theirs.
Today we thank them, we bow our heads to their hard work.
Today we celebrate them and tell them Happy Labour Day…
