Four of a kind

So let me make this as simple as possible. What are we? Who are we!?
There is the crazy one, the one you can rely on when you need something really off the chart to be done, the one who makes you laugh, who creates the jokes with you.
There is the shy artist one who is always there for you and who, deep down, is the one who loves to live, to make a mark. He is the one you rely on with anything concerning the magic of arts, the one you rely on to make memories immortal.
And then there is a really original one! She is like living in her own world with no worries and where everything is nearly perfect.  She is the one you rely on to calm you down, to tell you that time will fix it all, and that everything seems magically more beautiful when it’s own time comes.
And last, you have the rebellious one. The one who hates rules, borders and limits. The one who is a heavy dreamer and sensible but who is crazy enough to rip everything apart if wrongly treated, you can rely on that.
In a perfect world, we don’t match, we are not even close. But in my world, we are the best foursome, and for better or for worse, we will always be there for each other.


لون حياتي

شيئاً فشيئاً اختفت ألواني الزاهية فاختفت رسمات حياتي، ابيضت أوراقي و فرغت دفاتري من الصور.
فإلتقط ريشتك و لون بياض صفحاتي، و امزج ألوانك و امﻷ حياتي أقواس قزح.
و عندما تتعب ريشتك و تنهك ألوانك، قف متأملاً، هذه هي لوحتك، هذه هي أنا.
إمسك ريشتك و لون حياتي…


With you

Every laughter
Every tear
If time would not go faster
If you could always be near

All frozen moments
Every smile
If they be the components
Of our lives for a while

It’s an unfinished dream
To be here with you
It’s a muffled scream
Crying I love you…

Drowning in your lies

It’s dark in here
I can barely see the light
It’s cold in here
I can barely will myself to fight

And after my struggles to breathe
I gave up all the tries
And I realised I’m on my knees
I’m drowning in your lies

When the real wind blew
All my past went into dust
I discovered nothing was true
I was blind to give all my trust

No I won’t cry, I won’t grieve
I’m starting to see the skies
And I started again to believe
I will no longer be drowning in your lies



And I turn and turn and turn…
And with every turn I see a face
I see a shadow
I see a memory
And I see you….

And I go back to a time where we danced
To a time where I was swaying
To a time where a dream took me away
To a time where you were real

And I turn and turn and turn….
And I hear you
And I am in your arms
And we sway and swing
And I turn until you disappear

And I turn to face a mirror where I dance alone
And I keep turning until I see no more
And I bow my head for my finale….


Knife of fire

A notebook left for the dust to write on it

A pen left for the wind to dry the ink from it

Some words left hanging on in the air

Some feelings that my heart cannot bear


I leave it all

There is no return

I had fell my fall

And it used the hard way to make me learn


What I deserve, what I desire

Is just a knife that sets my heart on fire

Left behind

A heart left behind

A soul left broken

A face always on my mind

But the door isn’t left open


A smile that reflects a lot

Some sadness some regrets

Forget you that I cannot

And I am left in such a mess


The waiting had come to an end

My heart will be given to another one

My feelings are banned and I am left to pretend

To your memory I aimed and fired my gun

The other side of me

I have another side, a dark one
A side that appears when you’re gone
A side where there is no fun
A dark side pulling a gun

I have another side, a dark one
A side that keeps away the sun
A side that pushes me to make a run
A dark side that lately had won

I have another side, it’s not light
A side that is too quite
A side that is wrong not right
A dark side that appears mostly at night

I have another side, the one that makes me write
A side that let the fire in me ignite
A side that makes me see in black and white
A dark side that is present tonight

I have a side that wants to break free
I have a side waiting for an answer to his plea
I have a side that you refuse to see
It’s the other side of me…


What I would give

I would give everything to see that smile
I would walk, I would even run the first mile
I would fly the sky, I would swim the nile
Just keep smiling at me once in a while.

I would give everything to see that spark in your eyes
I would do anything, think the unwise
If you would look at me until the night dies
Until dreams are awake, until the sunrise.

I would give everything to feel your touch
I would tell you that I missed you so much
And I wouldn’t care how some people judge
How on my heart you fastened your clutch

I would give everything and much more
If I just get what I’m wishing for…
