Qui Suis-Je?

Qui suis-je?

Je n’ai ne de premier ni de dernier

Mon tout ne s’est pas arrêté de se plaidoyer

A moi tous les mots de l’amour ont été attribués

Pour me trouver cherche dans ton coeur et arrête de tournoyer.


Qui suis-je?

Je suis un tout, je suis un rien

Je suis à toi, je t’appartiens

Entre nous est incassable le lien

Pour me trouver, ferme les yeux et rêve bien.


Qui suis-je?

Je suis la reine absolue de ta vie

Je suis son emperatrice depuis que je l’ai envahie

Je suis ton tout même si tu le nies

Pour me trouver, résous la plus grande énigme à ton avis.




One day…

One day we will be by the window to watch the pouring rain

One day we will prove that Love will always remain

One day we will surpass and let go of all our pain

One day we will have our bloods run in one vein…


One day we will give up all that misery

One day we will dance out every memory

One day we will grow old while living the extraordinary

One day we will celebrate, for the hundredth time, our anniversary…


One day I will be waiting at the door where the truth is due

One day the door will open and it will be you…




They were eyes full of desire
A look that could set any heart on fire
But mine was far from being consoled
So my heart, it just stayed cold…

They were words to make you dream
To make your whole world gleam
With dreams and visions that mattered
But my dreams, they just stayed shattered…

I was keeping my eyes on his face
Keeping my thoughts from going to another place
I focused hard to get every memory erased
But my efforts, they just went to waste…

It felt so wrong because I knew
I hated him because he wasn’t you…

Dans le froid de Janvier

C’était une nuit éclairée

Par toutes les couleurs diffusées des Champs Elysées.

Dans un pub, deux inconnus se sont rencontrés

Profitant de la magie de la grande cité

Il était son printemps juste au milieu de Janvier

Elle était le sourire réchauffant que la vie lui accordait.

Mais le temps change, les amours se cassent et tout s’est éffondré.

C’est la vie qui joue des sals tours, elle les a séparés.

Tout court, ils se sont quittés

Pour laisser leurs coeurs à jamais dans le froid de Janvier…



A pain

Lately, there is this weird pain in my chest. A pain in my heart, a pain that consumes me.

Lately, people are saying that I became addicted to that pain. Addicted to a point that it’s driving my every move.

That pain in my heart makes me dream, makes me cry and makes me laugh.

Lately, I have a pain in my heart. A pain that makes me wake up in the middle of the night, makes me remember moments I want to forget.

Lately, I have a pain in my heart. A pain that is my drug, a pain that makes want more.

Lately, I have a pain in my heart that reminds me of you, of everything you were, of all that we were.

Lately, I have a pain in my heart, and I fell in love with it because, simply, you caused it…



I see you everywhere!
I rested my head on my pillow and willed myself to sleep. I forced all the thoughts out of my head and closed my eyes.
In the whispers of the night, I heard your voice, and in the mist of my dreams, I saw your face. I was pulled towards you, I sensed my craving for your touch and I smiled…
In what appeared to be a dream, you were real, you talked, I smiled, we walked hand in hand, we sat side by side.
In what appeared to be a dream, I was in our heaven!
When my subconscious refused to give me more, I opened my eyes, I was back to reality, our heaven was no longer near, and you remain the sweetest stranger in my life…


Not there!

No! Not there!
Don’t make me go there, don’t even let me get close. I can’t even look that way!  Please do understand!
This was where we sat together, where I put my head on his shoulder and let myself dream about him.
This was where he let his eyes drown into mine, where he kissed me, where I smiled back at him, where we laughed!
You see, this was where he was mine, and this will always be our table where I sat happily with him.
But I am with you now! So please, don’t sit where he once sat by my side, please, don’t make me sit there!



It all started when I was at the top…
I used to dance with the wind without any stop
But a day came where my world started to flop
And with it, it started… I began to drop…

The wind that used to caress me stopped being cool
And my dancing with it was transformed into something cruel
All sense was gone, every act of mercy, every rule
I lost my perceptions, I felt like such a fool.

While falling I watched all of you still there in one piece
I watched you watching my decease
And my fall finally came to a cease
When on the ground I rested in peace.

And I’m still there waiting what a new day might bring
What am I? I am fallen leaf on a beautiful day of spring…


How far

I know myself…. I am the one who risks it all, goes “all in” in a game. I am the one who follows her heart, who closes her eyes and just takes the leap. I am the one who believes, who trusts her instincts, who tends to ignore facts just because I know what I want.

I am the one who would go around the globe for the search of a heartbeat, who would still fight in the name of Love and greater good. I am the one who would go as far as it’s needed just for you…

And you? Who are you?!

Are you the brave or the coward?

Are you the risk taker or the play it safe person?

Are you the one who would find it best to settle or the wanderer searching for what is worth it!?

Are you going to stay still and watch your days and memories pass by or are you going to go as far as the road takes you?!

And how far will you go?!




My last one

You! You were the companion on these lonely nights, you heard my pleas, you listened to my true words…
You! You were there for every drink, for every bit of fun, through the laughter and through the tears, you were with me.
But I remember a promise I made once, and I have to let you go…
So this is the last time we will be together, this is the last time that I will touch you.
So let me light that fire in you, put my lips on you, and have a full taste of you… and when our kiss ends, I let out the smoke, put you down in the ashtray to consume yourself and declare myself a non-smoker!
